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Table 1 Summary of input parameters and assumptions in the Monte Carlo simulation of the FIS results adjusted for outcome misclassification, selection bias and confounding

From: Estimating uncertainty in observational studies of associations between continuous variables: example of methylmercury and neuropsychological testing in children

Input Parameters


Source (reference)

Outcome misclassification (information bias)

Observed exposure: mercury concentration in cord blood (mg/L),

Meanx = 31.99, SDx = 25.53

Budtz-Jorgensen et al. 2005; based on median and 99th percentile in a log-normal distribution (39)

Observed outcome: Score on Boston naming test

Meany = 25, SDy = 5.3

Mean: Grandjean et al. 1997 (4), SD from Budtz-Jorgensen et al. 2004

Observed b1

N (-0.019, 0.0063)

Budtz-Jorgensen et al. 2005 (39)

Observed b0

= 25 - 31.99 × Observed b1

Derived using standard linear regression formula (b0 = -b1 )

P1: proportion of exposed with a1 (negative) adjustment

U (0.1,0.3)

Hypothetical (no data available)

P2: proportion of exposed with a2 (positive) adjustment

U (0.1,0.3)


a1: relative adjustment in outcome for proportion p1 of subjects

U (0.0,0.31)

Hypothetical (no data available), limits chosen to allow BNT score vary between 0 and 60

a2: relative adjustment in outcome for proportion p2 of subjects

U (0.0,0.48)


Selection bias

Observed exposure: mercury concentration in cord blood (mg/L),

See above

10,000 vectors (Meany, Sdy, b0, b1) adjusted for information bias

Output of Information Bias module

Number of subjects included in the analysis


Grandjean et al. 1997; N in Boston Naming Test "no cues" (4)

Number of eligible subjects


Calculated as 1022/0.75 (1022 are ~75% of all births (44)

Number of subjects excluded from the analysis


Derived as 1362-866

Relative difference between mean exposure of subjects not included and mean exposure of included subjects

U (-5%,5%)

Hypothetical (no data available)

Relative difference between mean outcome of subjects not included and mean outcome of included subjects

U (-10%,10%)

Hypothetical (no data available)

Slope multiplier (to get to slope of non-included subjects)

U (0,2)

Hypothetical (no data available)


10,000 vectors (Meanx, SDx, Meany, SDy, b0, b1) adjusted for information and selection bias

Output of Selection Bias Module

Pearson correlation between confounder (WAIS) and exposure

U (-0.5, 0.5)

Hypothetical (no data available)

Pearson correlation between confounder (WAIS) and outcome

U (0.2, 0.8)

Hypothetical (no data available)

  1. N = normal distribution, U = uniform distribution