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Table 2 "Statements" and their components in the stratify macro.

From: Methods for stratification of person-time and events – a prerequisite for Poisson regression and SIR estimation

statement or statement component


ZRTF varname

varname must be a valid SAS variable name.

l(en(gth)) =

the length of varname. By default, 8 for numeric variables and the maximum length of VALUEC in EXPDATS for character variables.

c(ond(ition)) =

the value of the character variable EXPEVENT that will trigger the (re-)evaluation of varname. There are restrictions on the value of this variable to avoid it interfering with the macro, but a valid SAS variable name will always work. It must be enclosed in "".

n =

the occurrence of the condition that will trigger the (re-)evaluation of varname. Possible values are f, first, l, last, or any integer > 0, where 1 means first, 2 second etc. Last is the default.

v(al(ue)) =

the value of varname before grouping. Possible values are:

v (value at occurrence of condition = and n=)

s (sum of values at occurrence of condition=)

i (indicator that condition = and n = has occurred)

n (number of occurrences of condition=)

cv (valuec at occurrence of condition = and n=)

t (time at occurrence of condition = and n=)

a (age at occurrence of condition = and n=).

g(roups) =

for a numeric variable, the specification is X to Y by Z or X Y Z W .... or a format. For a character variable, it is a format. No grouping occurs unless specified.


value of varname when missing. If varname is a character variable, it must be enclosed in "" and the same restrictions as for condition apply.

BRTF varname

varname must be a valid SAS variable name.

t(ime) =

variable containing the time point at which speed and value are evaluated.

s(peed) =

variable containing the rate of change (0 or 1) of the underlying bit-rate time factor (from time and onwards).

v(al(ue)) =

variable containing the (ungrouped) value of varname at time.

c(uts) =

X to Y by Z or X Y Z W ....

AXIS varname

varname must be a valid SAS variable name.

o(ri(gin)) =

variable or constant containing the origin of the time scale

c(uts) =

X to Y by Z or X Y Z W ....

s(peed) =

variable or constant containing the rate of change. The rate of change is always 1 unless this variable or constant is set to 0.


exposure data sets.


extra variables to include in EVENTDAT.


stratifying variables to appear in OUT retained from DATA.